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Monday, August 24, 2020
DPB Portfolio Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
DPB Portfolio - Coursework Example es in International Context, Project, English Language Grade 6, Business Communication 3, International Marketing and Export Trade, International Trade: Payments and Law While examining BA (Hons) International exchange and business correspondence at the University of Portsmouth, I portray the aptitudes I learnt through the course as having given me a careful establishing in different subjects I wanted that I was keen on and wished to practices or practice further down the road. From, the primary year I was acquainted with the various issues or difficulties looked by people in the business world. In addition, the abilities which were conferred through the course empowered me to build up a thought of how to tackle the various difficulties that went along the way. Toward the finish of the course I had the option to accomplish a solidification of my examination through various perspectives like individual investigations and research. In addition, the business abilities which I adapted additionally have opened different chances to consider a wide scope of subjects like those falling in the personnel of mankind and sociologies. I accomplished the assignment of getting what it takes I have today through am extreme procedure of devotion and difficult work in my investigations. Being that the University of Portsmouth has passage levels, I concentrated healthily to pass my GSCE levels at Bay House School, Gosport with ten goes as between the evaluations A-B. After that I joined St. Vincent College for my A levels and went without a hitch to be conceded at the college of Portsmouth which granted me with the abilities of bookkeeping, promoting, business law, HR, the board expositions, purchaser drove request and other essential aptitudes which has extraordinarily assumed a critical job in my examinations and profession to date. At ST. Vincent College and in taking my BA (Hons) at Portsmouth University I ponder different learning focuses which changed my perspectives on what I would do whenever furnished with one more opportunity to seek after similar courses at the establishments. With flying
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Human Rights Violations Against Women Essay Example For Students
Human Rights Violations Against Women Essay Human Rights Violations Against Women Essay have, for a really long time, been denied the consideration and worry of universal associations, national governments, customary human rights gatherings and the press. Then, countless young ladies and ladies around the globe keep on suffering incapacitating and regularly lethal human rights manhandles. These are just a couple of occasions of misuse which happen each and every day all around the globe. Human rights infringement against ladies must be archived, advertised and halted. ,h Brazil: A man who admitted to wounding his better half and her sweetheart to death is for the second time cleared of homicide by an all-male jury. The absolution depends on the contention that he acted in real barrier of his wronged respect. ,h India: A 10-year-old young lady is saved by an airline steward who saw her crying. Her dad has offered her to the 60-year-elderly person sitting close to her for what could be compared to $240US. ,h Ireland: A 14-year-old young lady, assaulted by her closest companions father, learns she is pregnant. She is restricted from making a trip to England where premature birth is lawful. Just when she shows she will end it all whenever compelled to convey the pregnancy to term does the Supreme Court permit her to continue. ,h Kenya: At a live-in school, 300 young men assault the young ladies residence. Seventy-one young ladies are assaulted. Nineteen are stomped on to death in the charge to get away. The schools VP comments, The young men never implied any mischief against the young ladies. They simply needed to assault. ,h United States: A 51-year-elderly person is cut multiple times and killed by her previous beau as she holds up inside a town hall to expand a request for security. Twice before he had been accused of badgering. The multiple times the charges were dropped by the courts. ( One of the most awful demonstrations of maltreatment towards ladies is known as respect killings. In different nations all through the world, especially in the Middle East and parts of South Asia, ladies who carry disrespect to their families as a result of sexual careless activities or even assault are compelled to address a horrendous cost on account of male relatives. This ruthless demonstration is most normally found among the Islamic societies. They blame their religion for their carnal, obscene conduct. In any case, Islam perceives and commends the innate pride presented by God to every single person paying little mind to race, ethnicity, sex or religion. The Koran, the Muslim heavenly book, is unequivocal in its accentuation on the balance of ladies and men before God. What's more, their Lord has acknowledged of them and addressed them, Never will I endure to be lost crafted by any of you, regardless of whether male or female, you are individuals, one of anotherK (Koran, 3:195) In the Arab culture, family status is to a great extent subordinate upon its respect, quite a bit of which is dictated by the decency of its little girls, who can harm it unsalvageably by the apparent abuse of their sexuality. Models refered to by womens associations (MLW. com) show that ladies are rebuffed, even killed, on the doubt of having been engaged with a sexual relationship. Casualties of assault have met a similar destiny. Keeping up respect is considered a womans obligation, regardless of whether she has been instructed about sex or assented to the demonstration. As indicated by Sharif Kanaana, educator of humanities at Birzeit University in Palestine, the code of respect killings keeps ladies from having sexual opportunity or the option to utilize their sexual forces the manner in which they need. (Kanaana 44) The respect of a family is reliant on a womans virginity. In the Arab culture, it is accepted that a womans virginity is the property of the men around her, first her dad, and later a blessing to her better half. Siblings Karamazov Essay In this unique situation, a womans respect must be watched by a network of male relatives to guarantee she doesn't contaminate it, or the family name. The lady is monitored remotely by her conduct and clothing regulation and inside by keeping her hymen flawless. Should the lady discolor the family name in any capacity, regardless of whether it be through sexual relations with another man voluntarily, or through an assault where she didn't have anything to do with, the men in her family .
Friday, July 17, 2020
Self-Compassion for Social Anxiety Disorder
Self-Compassion for Social Anxiety Disorder Social Anxiety Disorder Coping Print Self-Compassion for Social Anxiety Disorder By Arlin Cuncic Arlin Cuncic, MA, is the author of Therapy in Focus: What to Expect from CBT for Social Anxiety Disorder and 7 Weeks to Reduce Anxiety. Learn about our editorial policy Arlin Cuncic Updated on May 13, 2019 Social Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Getty / Swissmediavision Self-compassion is often lacking when you live with social anxiety disorder (SAD). While others may easily let mistakes that they make go, you are more likely to hold on to those memories and relive them each time you are faced with another social or performance situation. While holding on to critical thoughts about yourself might come naturally for you, there is a better way to manage your thoughts and emotions in these situations. A Definition of Self-Compassion The everyday meaning of self-compassion closely mirrors what it means in psychological terms. A person who shows self-compassion has a tendency to do the following: Be caring toward themselvesHave an accepting view of themselvesBe kind toward themselves in times of distress or failureSee themselves as having similar experiences to those of other peopleView themselves in the present moment rather than the past or futureBe understanding toward themselvesRealize that mistakes can be made by everyone Self-compassion is linked to general satisfaction with life, social connections, and fewer problems with self-criticism, low mood, and anxiety. On the other hand, if you have social anxiety you might be prone to the following behaviors that are the opposite of behaving in a self-compassionate way: Viewing yourself in a negative wayAlways being critical of yourselfViewing social situations through the lens of your negative perception of yourselfAvoiding situations due to fear of criticism or negative evaluationFearing evaluation and judgment from others In this way, it is as though you extend that negative, self-critical voice in your head out to everyone around you. What you tell yourself, you also imagine others are thinking about you. From this perspective, it is easy to see why people with social anxiety tend to fear negative evaluation from others. When the voice in your head is always critical, you expect others to be critical as well. Your Self-Compassion With Social Anxiety Disorder Research has indeed shown that self-compassion tends to be lower if you live with SAD, and it also tends to relate to a greater fear of being evaluated. At the same time, the level of ones social anxiety, or severity, tends not to relate to the level of self-compassion. In other words, regardless of whether you have very mild or very severe social anxiety, your level of self-compassion is likely to be the same. Interestingly, it has also been shown among those with social anxiety, that self-compassion tends to decrease with age. The opposite is true for healthy peopleâ€"their self-compassion tends to increase with age. While we know there is a connection between social anxiety and low self-compassion, we dont know for sure if one causes the other, or if there is some third factor involved. What we do know is that increasing self-compassion is a good target for treatment for those with social anxiety. The benefits of being more accepting of yourself, in general, are easy to imagine, regardless of your level of social anxiety. As you become more accepting of yourself, your fear of being evaluated negatively is likely to decline. This is because treating yourself kindly makes you feel safe and connected instead of alone and isolated from others. Indeed, self-compassion has been shown to activate the parasympathetic nervous system and dampen the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the fight-or-flight reaction that you experience when in social and performance situations. Compassion-Based Therapy for Social Anxiety Disorder Compassion-based therapy (CFT) is used among people who live with problems related to shame and self-criticism, which includes those with social anxiety disorder. A systematic review found evidence of the effectiveness of CFT particularly among people high in self-criticism. What does compassion-based therapy look like? Often, it will be part of a larger therapy package, such as mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), initially proposed by Jon Kabat-Zinn. Learning how to be mindful includes monitoring negative thoughts about yourself, which forms the basis of self-compassion. In general, any type of acceptance-based intervention is likely to involve a component that is aimed at increasing self-compassion. If youre receiving therapy for social anxiety or are planning to talk to your doctor about treatment, mention your interest in mindfulness and acceptance-based interventions such as MBSR or acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT). Indeed, one study found that a 12-week mindfulness-based intervention for social anxiety disorder that included explicit training in self-compassion improved the severity of social anxiety symptoms and enhanced self-compassion. How to Increase Your Self-Compassion If youre not receiving treatment or would like to improve self-compassion on your own, adopt the principles of compassion-focused therapy in your daily life. The main benefit of self-compassion is that it promotes an inter-connected self. In this way, you view your difficult moments as part of the greater human experience. Additionally, how you treat others becomes how you also treat yourself. This might include doing things like the following: Improving Your Physical Health. Do things to improve your physical health such as eating healthy food, resting when you are tired, and engaging in daily exercise such as going for a walk.Keeping a Journal. Use a journal to record your thoughts about your day, without blaming yourself for mistakes that happened. Use the journal to be mindful of your thoughts and reactions and to keep a distance from your anxiety so that you are able to view it objectively.Positive Self-Talk. Be encouraging toward yourself with the things that you say inside your head. For example, before a speech or presentation, use a gesture such as a hand on your heart to indicate that you are showing compassion for yourself, or say something to yourself such as May I do well.Engaging in Mindfulness. Practice mindfulness meditation exercises such as loving-kindness meditation. Learn to become aware of the moment so that you can monitor your own level of self-compassion as you go about your day.Common Humanity. The overall aim of self-compassion therapy is to accept that your experience is universal and not something to feel shame about. Being kind to yourself will allow you to see the bigger pictureâ€"that your mistakes are not as bad as you think and that others are not judging you as much as you believe. A Word From Verywell While self-compassion seems to come naturally for some people, if you live with social anxiety disorder your tendency to treat yourself kindly may be lowered. If youve not yet sought help in the form of diagnosis or treatment for severe social anxiety, that may be the first step toward seeing improvement. While its true that everyone with social anxiety experiences a lack of self-compassion, severe symptoms may make it nearly impossible for you to keep on top of your physical health, record daily thoughts in a journal, talk to yourself in a positive way, be mindful, or see yourself as making the same mistakes that other people make. Once the severity of your anxiety is reduced, you will be better able to work on developing self-compassion and a more positive outlook of yourself.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
`` Peace, And Its Nobleness And Holiness And Honor
June Jordan, a Caribbean-American poet and activist, once explained that poetry in and of itself â€Å"is a political act, because it involves telling the truth.†During World War I, statesmen and politicians propagated the war efforts, asking the men and boys to join the cause and potentially sacrifice their lives for their country. Back in England, war was looked at in the most idealistic light. War was glory. War was honor. War was noble. War was good, and it was right for man to fight. Early in the war, some poets portrayed that rather romanticized version of war. Rupert Brooke spoke about the war’s cleansing abilities in his poem â€Å"Peace†and its nobleness and holiness and honor in â€Å"The Dead.†But many poets chose to send another message to†¦show more content†¦The General’s introductory cry of â€Å"Good-morning; good morning!†upon meeting his troops illustrates an amiable and positive view of war (1). Moving along th e warfront, one soldier, Harry, remarks to fellow soldier, Jack, that their general is â€Å"a cheery old card†(5). The camaraderie, however, is short lived, and these two boys exhibit the human cost of war and of the general’s lack of regard for them, for â€Å"he did for them both by his plan of attack†(7). A week later, â€Å"the soldiers [the general] smiled at are most of ‘em dead†(3). The succinctness and simplicity of the poem echoes the ease with which men died in war. So too, Wilfred Owen, renowned war poet and contemporary and mentee of Siegfried Sassoon, replicates his mentor’s view on the prolific lose of life in war, asking in his poem, â€Å"Anthem of Doomed Youth,†â€Å"What passing-bells for these who die as cattle?†(1). To dispel the propagated glory and honor associated with death in war, in â€Å"Exposure,†Wilfred Owen explores death by the elements, a common and less glorious way men died in battle. Owen famously stated, â€Å"My subject is War, and the pity of War. One such â€Å"pity†that he depicts in his poetry is the dismal death of soldiers by the cold and frost rather than the expected magnificent death of soldiers in man-to-man combat. In â€Å"Exposure,†Owen utilizes the voice of soldiers dying from the cold. â€Å"Our brains ache, in the merciless iced east winds that knive us,†the soldiers
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Cell Washing - 1153 Words
Name: Ranessa Dockery I.D #: 27100017 Course: Immunohematology Lab Instructor: Sala Randall Date: January 22, 2013 Lab #: 1 Title: Cell Washing Aim: To demonstrate quality assurance techniques in performing cell washing. Principle: Cell washing is a common procedure performed in the laboratory. This is a series of careful steps taken to wash red blood cells normally three times intermittently with centrifugation and decanting (Harmening 2012). The procedure serves to remove unbound immunoglobulins, Wharton’s jelly (from cord blood), hemolysed cells and also fibrin. The principle of the centrifuge entails centrifugal filtering of components due to centrifugal force applied and also centrifugal sedimentation†¦show more content†¦The water was discarded. * Steps 3 to 6 were repeated twice. * The final pellet was re-suspended until a cherry red color (similar to 2-5% standards) was obtained. Results: It was observed that the more the sample was washed, the clearer the supernatant appeared and the smaller the pellet became. The final pellet was re-suspended until a cherry red color was observed. The colors and volume of the 2% and 5% standards were also observed and compared to that of the sample since the aim was to achieve a 2-5% suspension. The 2% standard was of a paler red than the 5%. The final suspension of the sample was observed to be between the two standards, however, closer to the color of the 5% standard after further comparison while the volume was equal to that of the 5% standard. Discussion: In cell washing 0.85% NaCl was used to wash the cell each time. This solution was made prior to the lab exercise, and not overnight or days ahead, to ensure that the concentration remained the same as required and no evaporation could take place to alter / increase the such, as this would have adverse effects on the cells. This concentration was chosen since it was isotonic to the concentration of the red blood cells. Since both solutions were isotonic no particle movement occurred and the cells were not altered inShow MoreRelated7.06 Immune System Lab Report Essay1191 Words  | 5 Pagesï » ¿Nicole Perry 7.06 Immune System Lab Report Thoroughly washing your hands can be one of the best ways to prevent the spread of pathogens that cause illnesses. Our bodies have several lines of defense to fight infections. It is very important to do what we can do to avoid the pathogens from entering our system in the first place. Our hands pick up microscopic pathogens from objects that were touched by people who may not have washed their hands very well. When we forget to wash our hands or don’tRead MoreMrsa1450 Words  | 6 Pagesthat can prevent the spread of MRSA (Gould 2002). Washing hands is not kid’s stuff – not in the era of MRSA. Once entrenched MRSA can be extremely difficult to treat. If it gets into the blood stream it can be lethal (Belkum, Verbrugh 2001). Simor and Andrew (2001) also emphasise that hand washing is the most important control practice. It is essential because personal contact is the primary mode of MRSA transmission. Therefore good hand washing technique is vital to ens ure that the decontaminationRead MorePrevention And Prevention Of Infectious Diseases1280 Words  | 6 PagesProduct Overview Washing your hands with soap and water is one of the most important things you can do to prevent the risk of spreading diseases. Germs that cause colds, eye infections, and other illnesses can spread to the hands by sneezing, coughing, or rubbing the eyes and then can be transferred to other family members or friends (â€Å"CDC,†n.d.). To kill infection-causing germs, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends people wash for 15 to 20 seconds with soap, and water. HoweverRead MoreEssay on Health Associated Infections1620 Words  | 7 Pagessurgery took place. These infections may involve the top of the skin, the tissue under the skin, organs, or blood vessels. Surgical site infections sometimes take days or months after surgery to develop. The infections can be cause by improper hand washing, dressing change technique, or improper surgery procedure. Pneumonia can also become a hospital acquired infection. Ventilator-associated pneumonia is a type of lung in fection that occurs in a person who has been on a ventilator. Microorganisms canRead MoreProper Hand and Nail Care1830 Words  | 8 Pagescarefully washing your hands or the use of surgical scrubs or hand rubs? Did you know that 90% of all germs found on hands are located under the nails? Are you ready to help reduce the biological hazards by following elements of personal hand and nail hygiene?Outline * Ice breaker * Video: INFECTION. Don’t be the one to pass it on * Opening * Discover potentially hazardous microorganism in subungual area of the hand * Elements of proper hand and nail care * Hand washing with a nailRead MoreEssay about Infection Control2957 Words  | 12 Pagesincreased activity causes redness, swelling and heat. A process called chemotaxis, chemical attraction, draws necessary cells to the damaged area, travelling through gaps in the capillary wall in a process known as diapedesis (Van De Graff and Fox 1995). Phagocytosis occurs at this point by engulfing the invading micro-organism at the site of infection. As the phagocytes die and dead cells increase a pocket of exudate is formed which can rupture onto the surface in the form of pus. Due to recent surgeryRead MoreWhirlpool Case Study2162 Words  | 9 Pageslocal markets. New products were released in the global market which addressed the specific needs the emerging market customers and is what assisted Whirlpool in becoming a global contender. Why People Buy Appliances Appliances are just like computers, cell phones, and automobiles. The main reason a person buys appliances is because they are modern conveniences. In a first world country nearly every home has a refrigerator in their kitchen. In the United States people purchase appliances primarily toRead MoreHosptial Acquired Infection4180 Words  | 17 Pagesthe last 160 years, we have had the scientific knowledge of how to reduce hand contamination and thereby decrease patient infection. Epidemiologic studies continue to demonstrate the favorable cost-benefit ratio and positive effects of simple hand washing for preventing transmission of pathogens in health care facilities. The use of antiseptic hand soaps (i.e., ones containing chlorhexidine) and alcohol-based hand rubs also effectively reduce bacterial counts on hands when used properly. AlthoughRead MoreCell And Breast Cancers And Colorectal Cancer1161 Words  | 5 Pagespyrimidine analog that irreversibly inhibits TS. Thymidine is a nucleoside and a major component of the DNA and is hence required by cells for proliferation. Deoxyuridine monophostate (dUMP) upon methylation by TS generates thymidine monophostate (dTMP). 5FU interrupts the activity of TS and creates a shortage in the levels of dTMP. Thus the rapidly proliferating cells undergo death due to lack of thymidine nucleoside. The drug has successful applications in colorectal and breast cancers and is usedRead MoreCellular Diversity : Study Identify Unknown Organisms2046 Words  | 9 Pagesdifferentiate between types of cells, observing cell structures such as cell wall, nucleus and other unique features of microorganisms, learning different techniques such as proper handling and use of microscope, knowledge to prepare a smear from broth, gram staining, measuring microorganisms using ocular micromete r and to learn aseptic (sterile) techniques. The cell is the smallest basic structural, functional and biological unit of life. 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Six Dimension Worksheet Free Essays
Associate Level Material Six Dimensions of Health Worksheet Part 1 For each of the following six dimensions of health, list at least one characteristic, activity, belief, or attitude that reflects that dimension in your life. Provide a brief explanation with each example. Refer to Ch. We will write a custom essay sample on Six Dimension Worksheet or any similar topic only for you Order Now 1 in the text for explanations of these dimensions. Physical health: Exercising daily is an activity that helps Social health: An activity that reflects social health would have to be interactions with other people. If you are an antisocial person then you will end up being depressed. Intellectual health: An activity that reflects intellectual health is thinking clearly. If you can’t think clearly then you will not be able to make decisions in life. Environmental health: The way that you treat your environment around you. When you recycle you are making a decision to help the environment. Emotional health: An activity that reflects ones emotional health would be expressing your feelings. If I’m angry I keep my thoughts to myself so I won’t hurt anybody’s feelings. Spiritual health: Spiritual health involves your belief. Praying regularly is an activity that you do daily to strengthen your spiritual health. Part 2 In approximately 125 to 200 words, describe health and wellness in your own words using the ideas and concepts for each of the six dimensions of health. Your overall health is a reflection on your physical, intellectual, environmental, social, spiritual, and emotional health. If you maintain all six dimension of health then you are creating a healthy life for yourself. Taking care of yourself physically will increase your longevity. You can do this by eating healthy, exercising daily and regular doctor visits. You can be very social if you communicate with people on a daily basis. How to cite Six Dimension Worksheet, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Marketing Simulation free essay sample
The rest of the sales force time would be equally divided between the segments B, C and D. Change in Strategy: During simulation, we studied the effects of percentage increase of sales force time for each market segment individually along with decrease in list price. As we proceeded with the simulation, we found that * A decrease in list price and an increase in percentage sales force time for segment D would be more fruitful in the short run as it will increase the overall sales volume and overall profit much more than in the case where sales force concentrates more on segment A. This is because the overall market share of highly price sensitive customers in segment D and â€Å"small volume customers†is almost three times of segment A’s market share. * So, even though the profit margin in segment D and â€Å"small volume customers†is lesser than that for segment A, the overall profit was greater because of the scope of much higher sales volume. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Simulation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page * Hence, we decided to increase the sales force percentage time for segment D to 40% and for segment A to 30%. We decreased the sales force time percentage for segments B and C to 15% each. Also, we reduced the list price from $142 to $136. Challenges during simulation: During simulation, the primary challenge we faced was to decide on the key parameters that should be changed and the level of change in each of these parameters to get optimum profit and higher market share. Key decisions: Since our initial strategy was to increase the sales volume of segment A, we decided to concentrate on sales force time percentage parameter for each segment and the list price of the motors. We studied the effects of percentage increase of sales force time for each market segment individually along with decrease in list price on the overall profit of the company. Solution Analysis Decrease in list price from $142 to $136 and increase in sales force time percentage to 40% for segment D and to 30% for segment A. As we proceeded with the simulation, we found that * A decrease in list price and an increase in percentage sales force time for segment D would be more fruitful in the short run as it will increase the overall sales volume and overall profit much more than in the case where sales force concentrates more on segment A. This is because the overall market share of highly price sensitive customers in segment D and â€Å"small volume customers†is almost three times of segment A’s market share. * So, even though the profit margin in segment D and â€Å"small volume customers†is lesser than that for segment A, the overall profit was greater because of the scope of much higher sales volume. * Segments B and C sales force time was reduced because of the high competition that MM faces in these categories on the basis of the rmal resistance parameter. Hence, in the long run, MM can target for higher profit margins than for higher sales volume if it concentrates the sales and market research resources to segments A, B and C. The main challenge with this approach is that it would difficult to attract customers from these segments who are already loyal to competitors and would require much more effort from the sales team and the product development team to come up with a product that caters the needs of these segments especially segments B and C where MM has yet to prove its overall competitiveness. Learning and experience This simulation exercise helped us to validate whether our suggested solution was an optimal one and also helped us to arrive at new solutions through experimentation which finally led to change in our overall decisions and strategy. It also showed us how varying a single parameter can change the overall market share and overall profits of the company. Finally, it reinforced the theory behind segmentation of customers according to their buying behavior to achieve optimal marketing strategies.
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