Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Organizational Structure of Singapore Airlines Free Essay Example, 2750 words
Organizational structures exist in six types suitable for companies as they pass through different phases of growth. The first phase of operation requires the organization to adopt a simple structure. The company adopts a more complex structure in future to deal with different organizations. Singapore airline is a mature company that runs under a hierarchical organizational structure. The company does not adopt a single organizational structure but combines the Professional and machine bureaucracy structures. The operations of the structure provide strict company mottos in providing the idealistic structure while managing the organization. The human resource of the organization seeks to employ only specialized people in the organization. This is to assist the aviation company through set projects aimed at improving the external and internal operations of the organization (Nguyen 2007; Hooper Greenall 2005). The main determinant of the organizational structure of Singapore Airline s is the organizational goals. Organizational goals assist the company in runs towards meeting set objectives. The goals give motivation to the employees by avoiding a chaotic environment while conducting business. Singapore Airline ensures the set goals aid the management to know the exact strategies appropriate in acquiring the goals. We will write a custom essay sample on Organizational Structure of Singapore Airlines or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page It is evident as in 2007; Singapore Airline became the first to run the largest commercial aircraft between Sydney and Singapore.
Monday, December 23, 2019
Influence of Corporate Governance on a Companys Performance Literature review
Essays on Influence of Corporate Governance on a Companys Performance Literature review The paper "Influence of Corporate Governance on a Company’s Performance" is a good example of a literature review on finance and accounting. Corporate governance has a great role to play in determining the performance of any existing company. Maxwell (45) outlines that corporate governance is a key issue organization as it affects all the individuals that have an interest in the organization. All these individuals have a great role to play in the corporate governance of the organization. Johnstone (34) also states that corporate governance practices are mainly the central focus of an organization as it determines its performance as well as reputation. There are several principles of corporate governance that should be understood by every organization to enable them to survive in this very competitive corporate world.The company’s stakeholders, the board members, the audit committee and all the employees determine the manner in which the company is going to be governe d. The principles of corporate governance should be applied at all levels of management to ensure the company’s operations run without any interruptions whatsoever. The most important aspects of corporate governance are good communication channels, disclosure, and transparency among others. Johnstone (309) outlines communication as a key thing in a company hence the need to ensure that the communication channels are well defined and understood as well. A proper communication channel prevents unnecessary conflicts that may arise due to misunderstandings and misinterpretation of information.A company with good corporate governance has a lot of benefits that it enjoys as this puts it in a better position than its competitors. For instance, a company with good corporate governance earns itself a good reputation and the long term benefit of this reputation is that it attracts investors to the company. Another benefit of good corporate governance is that it eliminates the costs of dealing with legal issues. This is mainly because a company will comply with the law to avoid lawsuits and penalties. Good corporate governance also minimizes risks that come with fraud and other malpractices that are likely to occur (Johnstone, 345).There are some governance issues that mainly arise in organizations and they include conflict of interest, corruption, Poor decision making and Government interference. Johnstone (345) outlines that different organizations use different corporate governance systems depending on their preferences. For instance, some corporations use the stakeholder’s approach where the company’s employees are the most important to the organization. On the other hand, some organization uses the Shareholders approach where the company’s investors are the most important to the organization.An example of a company that uses the Shareholder’s approach is Nintendo Company which is a Japanese company that makes electronics and distri butes them worldwide. In this company the investors are the most valued and the top management is under close supervision to ensure that they act in the best interest of the company’s shareholders. The management is accountable and this ensures that cases of mismanagement are minimal. This kind of approach is the most common approach in Europe and the Middle East countries.Another example is Allergan is an American based company that produces neurological products in America. This company uses the stakeholder’s approach where the employees are the key focus of the organization. They ensure that the employee's welfare is well taken off and it well known for retaining its employees for a long period. It rarely lays off its employees, unlike other companies. In conclusion, irrespective of the approach that a company should ensure that it has good corporate governance is upheld. This ensures that the company becomes the most preferred by both investors and other key stakeh olders such as the customers, suppliers and even the company’s partners.
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Epo in Sport Free Essays
string(34) " available in a variety of forms\." Competitive athletes are constantly in search of ways to get better, seeking a slight edge over their closest competition. They are willing to practice for countless hours, put themselves through rigorous training and follow a very strict diet. Those who are passionate about their sport are willing to do just about anything to improve performance, but just how far are athletes willing to go? With recent advancements in sports science, it has become possible to alter some elements of human physiology. We will write a custom essay sample on Epo in Sport or any similar topic only for you Order Now The human body has been meticulously studied over the years, and as a result we are able to comprehend how complex systems function enabling the human body to perform simple everyday functions, as well as, impressive athletic performances. Science has discovered there are ways to improve the physiology of the human body to enhance athletic performance. By carefully tailoring specific functions to enhance a specific task an athlete will most likely be able to get the â€Å"one up†on the competition. Science has also discovered there are dangers associated with tampering with these complex systems that keep the human body alive and well. Unfortunately, some athletes ignore the physiological risks/ professional repercussions and indulge in enhancing some physiological processes in order to gain a slight edge against the competition. Today, as well as in the past, various sporting organizations have had to deal with performance-enhancing issues through testing of their athletes, yet these people continue to seek out ways to sneak under the wire, undetected. One example of athletes trying to beat the system is that of the recently publicized performance-enhancing dispute with blood doping in the sport of cycling, namely the use of recombinant human erythropoietin (Robinson, Mangin, and Saugy 2003). The following will discuss the function of erythropoietin, its uses in medicine and athletics, the benefits and risks of artificial along with testing methods for detection of illegal use. In order to perform in endurance sports, efficient oxygen delivery from lungs to muscles is crucial. The cells responsible for oxygen delivery are erythrocytes, or red blood cells. The functional portion of the red blood cell that acts as an oxygen carrier is the protein molecule hemoglobin (Kraene, Fleck and Deschenes 2012). Hemoglobin is a four part haem-iron containing protein, with two alpha and two beta subunits associated with each molecule. Hemoglobin accounts for 99% of the protein composition of an erythrocyte (Lippi, Franchini, Salvengo et al). Circulating blood contains approximately 40-45% red blood cells in its composition (Kraene, Fleck and Deschenes 2012). The hemoglobin associated with each red blood cell has a specific mechanism for pick-up and delivery of oxygen. This mechanism depends on varying physiological body conditions during which oxygen has differing affinity for the hemoglobin molecule. The conditions at which affinity for oxygen is high include lower body temperature, low carbon dioxide, and low 2,3-diphosphoglyerate (Elliott 2008). As these are the conditions found in the lungs, plentiful oxygen will bind to the hemoglobin for transport to the tissue cells in the body. In the tissue where carbon dioxide concentrations are high, body temperature increases, higher hydrogen ion and ,2,3-disphosphoglycerate concentrations, oxygen affinity for hemoglobin is reduced, resulting in the delivery of oxygen to tissues (Elliott 2008). During physical exercise, the body’s consumption of oxygen is increased due to the demand of working muscles. As a result of this process, the carrying capacity of hemoglobin is adjusted automatically to deliver adequate oxygen to the muscle tissues (Lippi, Franchini, Salvango et al 2006). Applying this principle of supply and demand, to an endurance sport, one can see how an athlete’s aerobic training regime aims to peak the efficiency of the process of oxygen delivery from lungs to muscle tissue. To maximize the process of oxygen delivery, a high number of circulating erythrocytes is desired, resulting in more available hemoglobin and therefore more oxygen can be delivered to working muscles. Red blood cell (RBC) production, called erythropoiesis, is carefully controlled and monitored by the body (Lippi, Franchini, Salvango et al 2006). This monitoring system involves oxygen-sensing cells to detect hypoxia (low oxygen concentration) in the body. During oxygen deprivation, a nerurosecretory mechanism is activated through chemoreceptors found in the carotid body ( in the carotid artery found in the neck) and in the lungs. If out of balance, the body undergoes rapid cardiopulmonary adjustments to compensate for the current stress of hypoxia (Kraene, Fleck and Deschenes 2012). One of the factors present during hypoxia is the hypoxia inducible factor, HIF-1. This molecule acts as a transcription factor for controlling several genes (Lippi, Franchini, Salvango et al 2006). When oxygen levels are low, the enzymes that normally inhibit HIF-1 cease their activity. The HIF-1a molecule becomes available is now capable of binding with HIF-b to cross the nuclear membrane of the cell and promotes gene transcription (Lippi, Franchini, Salvango et al 2006). One of the main coding events that occurs as a result of the gene transcription is production of erythropoietin (Epo). This endogenous Epo is then produced in the body, specifically in the peritubular capillary-lining cells of the renal cortex of the kidneys, with minute amounts produced in the liver and brain (Kraene, Fleck and Deschenes 2012). When the Epo molecule is synthesized, the composition is initially a 193 amino acid molecule that eventually is released as a 165 amino acid protein with much of the total molecule composed of carbohydrate (Lippi, Franchini, Salvango et al 2006). The release of Epo from the kidney to the blood then stimulates erythropoiesis in the bone marrow (Kraene, Fleck and Deschenes 2012). Science advancements in the 1980’s have led to a synthetic form of Epo known as recombinant human Epo (rHuEpo) (Spedding and Spedding 2008). It was first introduced by a team of researchers at the Northwest Kidney Centres, who conducted clinical trials that resulted in the first successful artificial form of this hormone (Eichner 2007). The production of rHuEpo, from mammalian cells to treat anemic patients was approved by the U. S. Food and DrugAdministration in 1989 (Elliott 2008). Today human recombinant erythropoietin is available in a variety of forms. You read "Epo in Sport" in category "Papers" It is synthesized with an amino acid sequence identical to that of endogenous erythropoietin, with slight differences in composition of carbohydrate portions of the molecule (glycosylation) (Lippi, Franchini, Salvango et al 2006). Alpha and beta erythropoietin are produced from Chinese hamster ovary cells with the only differences being a slightly longer half-life and slight difference in molecular weight (Lippi, Franchini, Salvango et al 2006). Another form of Epo is Erythropoietin gamma. It is produced from a different host cell and as a result has a different glycosylation pattern (Lippi, Franchini, Salvango et al 2006). Erythropoietin delta, yet another variation of the synthetic hormone, is the most recently introduced form. This type is produced from human cells, and has identical amino acid and glycosylation patterns as endogenous Epo, with a longer half-life of 18-20 hours compared to the 7-12 hour range of alpha and beta forms (Lippi, Franchini, Salvango et al 2006). The current research is clinically testing a protein called Continuous Erythropoietin Receptor Activator (CERA). This protein has a half-life of 133-137 hours, which equates to less frequent dosing. CERA unlike other synthetic forms of this hormone, has very mild side-effects and has yet to produce any serious adverse effects (Lippi, Franchini, Salvango et al 2006). This type of synthetic Epo may be the best option available for patients who require treatment for anemia (low hemoglobin levels). Unfortunately, some people suffer anemia due to various medical issues such as kidney disease, chemotherapy for cancer, HIV, blood loss, et cetera (Kraene, Fleck and Deschenes 2012). The body’s demand for Epo becomes more significant when such medical conditions arise. Often times Epo needs to be artificially supplemented to compensate for the lowered hemoglobin production/ hemoglobin loss (Catlin, Fitch and Ljungqvist 2008). Originally, recombinant human erythropoietin was developed as a substitute for endogenous Epo for those who suffered from abnormal blood conditions. It is highly effective in increasing hemoglobin levels, and as a result has numerous benefits such as, reduction in required blood transfusions, restoring energy levels, increase in exercise capacity, improves cognitive function and overall quality of life improvement (Elliott 2008). When administering this hormone, the dose, frequency of administration, the rate of rise of hemoglobin and target hemoglobin levels are strictly controlled (between 10-12g per 100mL), slightly lower than the range for normal range of 13-15g per 100mL. The lower range is maintained in order to keep the risks and side effects of the rHuEpo minimal (Lippi, Franchini, Salvango et al 2006). Careful monitoring and control is used to maximize the benefits for patients while minimizing the risks. Recombinant Epo not only benefits those who are suffering a blood condition but it has significant benefits to athletic performance (Elliott 2008). It is used illegally as an ergogenic aid primarily in endurance sports, such as cross-country skiing, track, swimming, and most notoriously, cycling (Bento, Damasceno, Neto 2003). One study, as noted in Exercise Physiology (Kraene, Fleck and Deschenes 2012), that involved well-trained male endurance athletes administered recombinant human erythropoietin 3 times a week for 30 days or until hematocrit levels reached 50%. The following resulted: an average hematocrit increase of 18. 9% (range of 42. 7-50. 8%), cycling time to exhaustion had increased 9. 4% (12. 8-14. 0 minutes longer), and cycling VO2 peak had increased 7% (range of 63. 8-68. 1 ml/kg/min). Another study also noted in Exercise Physiology (Kraene, Fleck and Deschenes 2012) gave low-dose subcutaneous injections of rHuEpo over a 6 week period to moderately to well-trained athletes and what resulted was a 6-8% increase in VO2 peak, time to exhaustion on a treadmill increased 13-17%, and hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit both increased by approximately 10% each. The use of recombinant human erythropoietin is found to have clear benefits in athletic performance, with higher trained individuals exhibiting enhanced results. At an elite level, where competition is so close, it is tempting for athletes to gain an edge over their competition though the use of rHuEpo. There is a certain amount of pressure on athletes in cycling to use ergogenic aids due to the fact that so many of the sport’s top competitors are using it to boost performance (Vogel 2004). In cycling, the abuse of this ergogenic aid has recently come to light in the media. Although many benefits can be reaped in athletic performance from recombinant erythropoietin, it is not without risks. When synthetic forms were first introduced, many of the risks were unknown to athletes and use was not medically monitored as would be the case with an anemic patient. As a result, sudden heart attacks occurred that led to more than a dozen deaths of Dutch and Belgian cyclists (Vogel 2004). Their deaths were connected to inappropriate administration of rHuEpo. This form of Epo had not yet been clinically studied from an athletic perspective. The combination effect of increasing hemoglobin to well above normal range along with other factors associated with endurance sports, makes tampering with the body’s natural blood physiology dangerous and potentially deadly (Robinson, Magin and Saugy 2003). Myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular disease, transient ischemic attack and venous thromboembolism were all found to be potential events associated with the misuse of rHuEpo (Catlin, Fitch and Ljungqvist 2008). Due to the increase of red blood cells, the blood becomes more viscous and leads to an increased frequency risk of thrombotic events. There have also been proven reports of increased risk for migratory thrombophlebitis, microvascular thrombosis and thrombosis of cerebral sinuses, retinal artery, and temporal veins. The increased blood viscosity also increases systolic blood pressure during sub-maximal exercise and increases platelet reactivity resulting in risk of more blood clotting (Bento, Damasceno, and Neto 2003). One of the most serious risks found to be associated is that of red cell aplasia in which red blood cell formation ceases. Although rare but ife-threatening, this condition was found to be linked to the use of subcutaneous alpha-Epo (Lippi, Franchini, Salvango et al 2006). Anemia may also develop in individuals who mis-use rHuEpo after they discontinue the hormone, as it causes progressive erythroid marrow exhaustion due to prolonged periods of use. Some other risks and side effects include headache, muscle cramps, incomplete deviation of red blood cells, convulsion, and upper respiratory tract infect ions (Kraemer, Fleck and Deschenes 2012). The risks of using rHuEpo are more significant for athletes than average patients who are using for treatment. Athletes pushing to increase hemoglobin outside of a normal range run the risk of life-threatening circulatory/blood abnormalities. Testing for the use of banned erythropoietin in sports has been an ongoing challenge. As quickly as testing laboratories can produce testing methods for banned substances, new ways to slide under detection are being found (Cazzola 2000). It is difficult to directly identify rHuEpo as it has a relatively short half-life in most forms, for example an administration of 50 IU/kg given subcutaneously has a half-life of approximately 35. hours, and intravenous administration has a half-life ranging from 4 to 7 hours (Lippi, Franchini, Salvango et al 2006). Athletes could selectively time the administration of Epo and combined with concealing strategies to slip under the wire. As a result, laboratories are required to look at specific biomarkers that indicate past or current use of rHuEpo (Delanghe, Bollen and Beullens 2007). Human recombinant erythropoietin wa s initially a challenge to detect as various forms are extremely similar to that of endogenous Epo (Skibeli, Nissen-Lie and Torjesen 2001). As it is a rising issue in sport, laboratories are required to find better ways to detect the illegal use of rHuEpo. Initially as a measure to deter doping and identify usage, cutoff levels of hematocrit (the percentage of red blood cells in the blood) were established in some sports (Adamson and Vapnek 1991). For example, the International Cycling Union established cutoff hematocrit levels of 47% for women and 50% for men. This method was flawed, as it sometimes produced false positive results in athletes with naturally high hematocrit levels (Casoni, Ricci, Ballarin et al 1993). Currently, there is no foolproof testing method to detect the use of recombinant human erythropoietin. A combination of indirect and direct testing is currently the most effective method to identify blood dopers (Cazzola 2000). Indirect testing uses a blood sample and is based on the analysis of hematological parameters, including measures of hemoglobin, hematocrit, soluble transferrin receptors, serum Epo, percent reticulocytes, and macrocytes (Delanghe, Bollen and Beullens 2007). Changes observed in the above measures are often a result of introducing recombinant Epo to the body and can be used as an indirect marker to detect the substance (Skibeli, Nissen-Lie and Torjesen 2001). There is a reference range of parameters set for this form of testing, one indicating current use of Epo while the other can indicate recently discontinued use of Epo (Parisotto, Wu, Ashenden et al 2001). Indirect testing has the advantage of being able to detect Epo use several weeks after it has been administered, however the disadvantage of possibly producing false-positive results (Delanghe, Bollen and Beullens 2007). Changes in the measuring parameters used in indirect testing can also be the result of the body’s natural modifications from training methods such as altitude training (increasing RBC levels due to lower oxygen at higher altitude, a naturally occurring body compensation) (Kraemer, Fleck and Deschenes 2012). Indirect testing is useful in being a primary indication of recombinant erythropoietin use, yet it is not completely reliable. If use of Epo is suspected after using indirect testing methods, direct testing will follow to confirm or deny the results (Birkeland and Hemmersbach 1999). Direct testing for recombinant Epo involves the collection of a urine sample. The urine sample needs to be fairly large (20ml) and strongly concentrated (between 700-1000 fold) (Elliott 2008). The approved test that uses the direct approach is based on differences in glycosylation between endogenous Epo and artificial forms (Elliott 2008). The recombinant and endogenous forms of erythropoietin have varying isoelectric points (pI). Using isoelectric focusing (IEF), the isoelectric points can be determined (Skibeli, Nissen-Lie and Torjesen 2001). The normal range for the pI of endogenous Epo is 3. 7-4. 7, while alpha and beta Epo have a slightly higher range of 4. 4-5. 1. The Aransep form of Epo has 2 extra N-glycosylaton sites in order to increase its stability, resulting in a pI range of 3. 7-4 (Parisotto, Wu, Ashenden et al 2001). In order to see the isoforms of Epo, double immunoblotting is used in combination with monoclonal anti-Epo antibodies. The interaction of the antibodies with the recombinant forms of Epo shows if illegal forms are present in the urine (Skibeli, Nissen-Lie and Torjesen 2001). The purpose of the double immunoblotting technique is to avoid secondary antibodies interacting with proteins in urine and affect the test. A technique known as chemiluminescence is used on the blot to image the Epo (Skibeli, Nissen-Lie and Torjesen 2001). Direct testing can detect most forms synthetic Epo. When a test is found to be positive for an illegal form of Epo, a second test is performed due to the fact that occasionally enzyme activity causes a shift in the electrophoretic banding pattern of the molecule (Parisotto, Wu, Ashenden et al 2001). Additional stability testing is performed where the urine sample is incubated overnight in an acetate buffer and rHuEpo. If a banding shift is observed during the isoelectric focusing, it can be determined that the sample is negative for rHuEpo (Parisotto, Wu, Ashenden et al 2001). The direct testing method is currently the most reliable and approved approach and can be used during competition and off-competition periods (Elliott 2008). The development of recombinant human erythropoietin was originally an approach to treat low hemoglobin levels in anemic patients. The athletic gains that can be exhibited through introducing rHuEpo have caused abuse at the elite level in many sports. Other than disqualification and loss of credibility as an honest athlete, there are also medical risks associated with tampering with the blood’s physiology in artificial ways. A combination of testing methods is currently used to identify those using rHuEpo as an ergogenic aid, as there is no single test that can clearly deny of confirm use. New ways to slip under the wire with testing are being discovered and used by athletes and laboratories are constantly working to keep up. The use of recombinant human erythropoietin is a serious issue of misconduct in sport and needs to be ended in order to keep competition ethical and fair. How to cite Epo in Sport, Papers
Friday, December 6, 2019
Does membership of the EU inevitably undermine national sovereignty Essay Example For Students
Does membership of the EU inevitably undermine national sovereignty Essay Does membership of the European Union inevitably undermine national sovereignty? Table of contents: 1) Introduction 2) Treaties 3) European Institutions 4) European Monetary Union 5) Conclusion 6) Appendix 7) Bibliography Introduction 2-3 3 8 9 10-11 12 The establishment of the European Union (ELI) has its foundations of integration belonging to an economic community: the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) 1950. 1 There has been a cycle of support, peaking in the 1990 at 71% and the lowest of 48% in 2004, as measured by the Eurobarometer 2. There is a clear divide between people who support the EIJ and Eurosceptics. Support for the EIJ can be encapsulated by Herman Van Rompuy, president if the European Council, The age of the nation state is over and the idea that countries can stand alone is an illusion and a lie3 Eurosceptics on the other hand argue for the remodelling of the EIJ or the rejection of. Most notably the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) have stated in their manifesto that they wish to exit the EIJ as, It does mean the end of Britain as an independent European state. It means the end of a thousand years of history. 4 This is a case of hard euroscepticism, as Taggart and Szcerbiak established, as pposed to soft euroscepticism which focuses upon remodelling. Therefore integration of the EIJ has caused a larger rift between those who support and those sovereignty. But what is national sovereignty? As former British Secretary, Sir Geoffrey Howe, stated, Sovereignty is not like virginity, which you either have or you dont it is a resource to be used, rather than a constraint that limits our capacity for action. 5 Thus, sovereignty is perceived to be the ability for a nation to act however it deems fit politically, economically and socially within its territory. The progression of he EIJ from an economic union to a multinational political entity is the constraint that limits action. Therefore, I intend to explore to what extent membership of the EIJ undermines national sovereignty, conducted through an analysis of: different treaties, institutions of t he ELI, and the European Monetary Union at how they impact national governments. Treaties The EIJ is based upon two treaties: The Maastricht Treaty (MT) 1992/1993, creating the new European Union, and The Lisbon Treaty (L T) 2007/2009. The MT created the three-pillar structure: European Community (EC), Common Foreign and Security Policy CFSP) and Justice and Home Affairs CHA). What this meant for national sovereignty was that two thirds of the EIJ would be intergovernmental whilst one third would be supranational- EC governed by the commission. Primarily the MT created the idea to, promote economic and social progress in particular through the creation of an area without internal frontiers. 6 The LT abolished the three-pillar structure, in favour of unifying institutions, which gave certain institutions greater power, e. g. the European Parliament gained budgetary control. The powers of the Community remained almost nchanged, as national governments can be co-ordinated and supported on policies, e. g. economic, employment and social issues. But health, culture, e ducation and tourism remain with member state governments. So what do these treaties, more recently L T, mean for national sovereignty? It is clear the EIJ has a great deal of economic control over certain member states, as seen in the creation of the EMIJ. However, most policy areas still remain with national governments. European Institutions Since the establishment of the ELI, institutions have gradually increased their powers and broadened their policy area scope. This can be associated with the movement away from intergovernmental, like the United Nations, and more towards a supranational, such as the United States of America. The EIJ is supranationalist in the sense that there is an internationally recognised external border, its own law, and a capital city Brussels, Luxembourg, where most EIJ headquarters are situated- similar to Washington DC. However, there are still elements which make the EIJ an international organisation: membership is voluntary, member states still have national governments and any decisions made are negotiated. The degree in which ifferent institutions incline towards either intergovernmentalism or supranational will determine the extent national sovereignty is undermined. Also, it is crucial to look at the structure of such institutions: are all member states equally represented? Can states oppose EIJ rule/ legislation? Each member is equally represented- totalling to twenty seven commissioners, who serve a five year term. The European Commission is the bureaucratic arm working to promote EIJ interests. In many ways it is supranational; as it has the power of initiation, implementation, management of finance and external relations. Margaret Thatchers famous statement addressing the EIJ spotlights the supranational intentions of the European Commission, The President of the Commission, Mr Delors, said at a press conference the other day that he wanted. the Commission to be the No! No! No! 7 Eurosceptics further dislike the institution as it is too big, expensive, has too little public accountability, and an undemocratic process of appointment as no elections are held. However, supporters of the EIJ point out two percent of the EIJ budget is spent on this institution, commissioners are appointed by ational governments and confirmed by the European Parliament, somewhat leading to an element of public accountability. Although the Commission does have the power of initiation its main role is executing already approved decisions by member states. Gangs are violent reality EssayThe initial creation of the EMU was a compromise. Frances view- a minimum, in which a fixed exchange rate would eventually progress into an economic union, whilst Germanys maximum is one where there would be one economic policy which would lead to an economic union. However, ever since the 1970s the EMU has slowly rogressed towards Germanys maximum economic union based upon fiscal conservatism. This Franco-German dominance has characterised the EIJ since its establishment and even more so with todays current economic climate, returning to the initial compromise of the EMIJ. The EMU officially started in 1999, in conjunction with the Growth and Stability Pact. This stipulated the requirements for entry (reformed in 2005), e. g. 3% for budget deficit and 60% for public debt. This meant that countries could Join the Euro. However, Britain and Denmark voted for an opt-out of the Euro. Reasons behind this re well founded in reasons which protect national sovereignty, e. g. The Bank of England would lose all power, fatal impact on the banks, and conversion criteria- would mean cutting our deficit by more than half by cutting spending further. 2 Furthermore, as the ECB, based in Frankfurt, it cements the notion that the EMU is essentially Germanys creation, thus undermining every member states sovereignty. The Euro itself shows the struggle between suprnationalism and intergovernmentalism, as one side has the EIJ symbol and the other is left to the national government. Conclusion sovereignty by Joining the ELI. However, it is primarily limited to a few areas a nd/ or institutions, and member states are usually willing to seed some of their national sovereignty in order to reap the benefits. Although the LT has allowed for the broadening and expansion of EIJ institutions it can be seen that most policy areas are still left for national governments. Although since the 1960s there has already been a considerable movement towards political integration, so it almost seems inevitable that treaties may become more and more supranational. Bearing in mind membership is voluntary, it is important to remember, that renouncing by member tates their economic sovereignty has been done voluntarily in the face of enormous economic advantages. 13 In todays society where globalisation is a common theme, with twenty seven nations within the EIJ it creates an economic superpower. In light of represented member states two fifths of the institutions had unequal representation and this meant there is some a loss of national sovereignty, particularly to smaller members. However, three fifths of the institutions were equally represented, allowing for national sovereignty to remain, and also any laws and regulations had to be agreed to be implemented within a member state, again nsuring no undermining of national sovereignty. The EMU undermines national sovereignty most, e. g. in return for Greece receiving bailout funds they have had their national sovereignty infringed heavily in the form of austerity measures. With the current Eurozone crisis there is a divide between further integration leading to more of a supranational European Union, argued for by Angela Merkel, or weaker political integration being more of a intergovernmental European Union, argued for by David Cameron. Appendix 1) http://ec. europa. eu/public_opinion/archives/eb/eb76/eb76_first_en. pdf 2) http://en. euabc. m/word/442 Members of the European Parliament Country Current Allocation Election penod 2009-2014* Lisbon Treaty Germany France 78 72 74 United Kingdom 73 Italy Spain 54 50 Poland 51 Romania 35 33 Netherlands 27 25 26 Greece 24 Belgium Portugal Hungary Czech Republic Sweden 19 20 Austria 18 17 Bulgaria Slovakia 14 13 Denmark Finland Ireland Lithuania Latvia Slovenia 7 Estonia 6 Cyprus Luxembourg Malta 5 Total 785 736 751 * In December 2008, Government leaders of the EIJ countries decided in a declaration on how to shift to new numbers of MEPs. There will be a pause after the Lisbon Treaty enters into force. The number of MEPs in the 2009-2014 election period will increase to 754, equal to that of the Lisbon Treaty + 3 Members from Germany (99 total). 3) http://4. bp. blogspot. com/_H6xw_a4Tyus/Si1 R5LYEfil/AAAAAAAAA30/18ZQDmHSJ24/ s400/european+parliament+2009. bmp Bibliography Caporasso, J and Cowles, M. G and Risse, T (2001). Transforming Europe. Cornell university : corneli university pas. 1-13, 198-237. cowles, M. Dinan, D (2004). Developments in the European Union, Palgrave Macmillan. p. 7. Keohane, R. O (2002). Ironies of sovereignty: the European Union and the United States. JCMS 40(4), pp. 8-749. McCormick, J (2011). Understanding the European Union. 5th ed. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 74-101. Munch, R (2010). European Governmentality. Devon: Routledge. 38-90. wetler,J. H. H, and Kocjan, M. (2004/5). EUROPEAN COMMUNITY SYSTEM: THE HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE AND THE BASICS OF ECONOMIC INTEGRATION. P. 14, Article B. casey, Theo. Should Britain JOtn the Euro? NO, NO, No! Should Brita in Join the Euro? No, No, No! (2008) http://www. rogerhelmer. com/ fleetstreetletter. asp GAITSKELL. H. On Britain Joining the European Community. Labour Party conference speech, Oct. http://quotes. yourdictionary. com/britain
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